My first Macintosh Blue Max nestled happily on top of my last Windows PC Gigantor.
Some new art waiting for me to hang in the Tiki Lodge.
I'm trying out this IKEA side slung computer bracket. I don't know how I like it so far.
Christmas time in Payson Utah.
Joby doing Bunny Ears for Brad's Christmas Present.
Mmmm, Heather has been experimenting in the kitchen :).
The display version of the Couch Heather ordered.
Result of Adam's Ritual Pumpkin Sacrifice.
Close-up of my pumpkin & Brad's augmentation of Michelle's pumpkin.
Ritually sacrificing Pumpkins.
More Pumpkin Sacrifice.
The Birthday Girl.
J Johnson and Stan "The Man" Chalich from my brother Mark's Highschool Yearbook.
My sister and me on halloween long ago.
Heather sitting on the couch she wants to buy.
Most Excellent Tiki Room Poster for my living room.
Heather the latest Harry Potter Novel.
Hand made wands from "Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter" celebration.
The latest equipment at the Tiki Lodge.
Gnomes at Michelle's House.
Michelle Enjoying Her Ceramic Rabbit.
After some refurbishing Michelle can raise and lower her window awning from inside the living room.
Some interesting equipment in Michelle's basement.